
Please message your requirements to bba@fastmail.uk or 07803 710700.

This service is based in South Yorkshire UK.

When you have a task, or a list of jobs that need doing, you might just ask for a little help!

You might indeed welcome help, to help manage those tasks you might not have time for or just won’t get done, whether it is help for normal tasks (from running errands to house sitting or house checking when you are on holiday) or with your business or at Christmas (putting up the decorations, writing Christmas cards, organising a Christmas tea or going one step further and organising your whole Christmas), we can help!

You might have a pressured job you have to devote all your time and energy to, or you may not be physically as able to do some tasks as you once used to – again we can help!

And we are there for everyday tasks, not just there for Christmas… Anytime, whatever the task, give us an option to do it for you, or help you do it…! We have people with different and varied skills that can turn their hands to multiple different tasks… Give us a try!

See the Home Assist and Business Assist pages for more ideas on what we can do for you - these lists are by no means exhaustive, so if you don't see it, ask anyway! You may see similar services operated in some towns and called Girl Friday or Personal Concierge Services. This is similar to those but covering a lot more services. We can go outside of South Yorkshire, but travel time expenses may make it unworkable for both sides